Nuts & Bolts: Stephen Ross on “Can you get What you Want? Grants and DH Projects”

Nuts & Bolts of Digital Humanities, April 11

Hello, On Friday, April 11, the ETCL will be hosting the final “Nuts and Bolts” discussion of this academic year.  We are delighted to be welcoming Richard Cavell ( from UBC to lead this session.  An internationally...
Nuts & Bolts: Stephen Ross on “Can you get What you Want? Grants and DH Projects”

Nuts & Bolts: User-Testing DH Prototypes

Hi there, Everyone is welcome to join the ETCL Wednesday, March 12 from 4:00-5:00pm, to discuss the pragmatics of user-testing in digital humanities’ software development contexts.  Monica M. Brown, Teresa Dobson and Ernesto Peña are visiting from UBC to lead...