The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab Brown Bag Lecture Series presents:
Privacy, Security, and the Internet
Friday, 20 April, 12-12:50 pm
Digital Scholarship Commons (3rd Floor) Mearns Centre for Learning, UVic Libraries
Guest Speaker: Erik Reppel, Computer Science Student, University of Victoria
Want to know what types of data companies are collecting about you, who
has access to it, and what you can do to protect yourself online?
In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica Facebook scandal, many people
are wondering about how much of their personal privacy they have given
away to private companies. In this talk, Reppel talks about what “online
privacy” means, why it matters, and why you should care about your
personal data.
Erik Reppel is a student at the University of Victoria. He is a software
engineer who works in machine learning, big data, and crypto
currency. In the past, he has won Hack the North, the largest hackathon in
Canada, and has worked on robotic surgeons, a fusion reactor, and the
largest Bitcoin exchange in North America.
Join us at noon with your lunch