This term is off to a busy start for the lab, and the coming months promise to be busier still!

As the new academic year began, we welcomed a new cohort of Open Knowledge Practicum (OKP) Fellows into the lab, and welcomed others back for a second term.

Dr. Bill Pascoe, a Digital Humanities specialist with the Centre for 21st Century Humanities and the Centre for Literary and Linguistic Computing at the University of Newcastle, Australia, joined the lab for a week as a visiting researcher. He also gave two public talks: Mapping Colonial Frontier Massacres in Australia and Time, Space, Technology, and Meaning.

Luis attended the TEI 2019 Conference at the University of Graz in Austria, and presented a paper he and Jon developed: “Refining the Current Teaching Methodology of the TEI through the Analysis of Server Logs.”

As part of our work in partnership with Loughborough University, Ray, Alyssa, Luis, Lynne, and Randa are visiting Loughborough, London and nearby this month and throughout the term to lead a series of talks, workshops, and consultations about digital humanities research, open access and open scholarship, and research project planning and development.

Finally, we’ve launched a new DHSI website, complete with new and improved scholarship application and registration forms!

Screenshot of the DHSI website