We’d like to invite you to join us for a Nuts and Bolts session to close out the semester. The Nuts and Bolts discussions are designed to focus on the pragmatics of digital research. Details are below:

Thursday, December 7

4:00-5:00 pm

The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab

McPherson Library, A314

University of Victoria

We’re delighted to have Jonathan Martin to discuss an issue that affects us all: security!

Jonathan Martin will discuss some common computer security and privacy concerns and how you can best protect yourself when working and playing online.  We’ll talk about some strategies for avoiding common malware vectors, password managers, two-factor authentication, private communications, keeping your data securely encrypted, and how to be anonymous when you really need to.  We’ll also discuss ways to keep your computer safe and up-to-date that won’t require you to spend an endless amount of time fussing with minutiae.  Also, as this is meant to be an interactive presentation, Jonathan will be very happy to discuss your own situations and scenarios.  Feel free to bring along your own devices to follow along!

Jonathan Martin is a Visiting Graduate Researcher in the ETCL and a member of the PhD program in Digital Humanities at King’s College London.