Module 1: Introduction to Open Access and Open Social Scholarship


Sharing knowledge openly is a core tenet of the Open movement: “Knowledge is open if anyone is free to access, use, modify, and share it — subject, at most, to measures that preserve provenance and openness.”

This module introduces two other ideas encompassed by the Open movement:  Open Access (OA) and Open Social Scholarship (OSS).

This video explains the terms OA and OSS, how they are different from the commercial scholarly publishing model, why they are important, and how they can be applied in your own research and scholarship.

Video: Open Access & Open Social Scholarship

by Alyssa Arbuckle

Contact Alyssa Arbuckle:, @arbuckle_alyssa,


Based on the video and your own experience, consider (and discuss if you’re completing this module with others) these questions: What are some benefits of open social scholarship? What are some drawbacks? What might be some situations in which it would not be appropriate to make research open?

Do you currently do any open scholarship? How might you go about opening up your work? Are there any situations in which you could make your research or writing activities more open?