
Integrated Research Partners

Érudit (

Érudit is a multi-institutional publishing consortium, non-profit society, and leading provider of Francophone and Canadian peer reviewed journals in North America.

Iter (

Iter is a not-for-profit partnership dedicated to the advancement of learning in the study and teaching of the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700) through the development and distribution of online resources.


The Public Knowledge Project is directed toward improving the scholarly and public quality of academic research through innovative online publishing and knowledge-sharing environments. PKP has developed Open Journal Systems, Open Conference Systems, Open Monograph Press, and Open Archives Harvester.

UVic Libraries (

The University of Victoria Libraries include 2.1 million volumes, 1.4 million items in microforms, over 150,000 journals, and many cartographic, sound, and film items. The library’s foundational role in acquiring and preserving research resources is critical in the complex digital environment of 21st century scholarship. Its expert staff are increasingly working within disciplines, across disciplines, and beyond traditional boundaries.

U Newcastle Centre for 21st Century Humanities (

The Centre for 21st Century Humanities is focused on three key themes of e-research, impact, and crossing disciplines. Their vision is that by 2020 the University of Newcastle will be known for a significant concentration of excellence in the humanities to complement its distinction in science, engineering and medicine.

Integrated Research Partners

Érudit (

Érudit is a multi-institutional publishing consortium, non-profit society, and leading provider of Francophone and Canadian peer reviewed journals in North America.

Iter (

Iter is a not-for-profit partnership dedicated to the advancement of learning in the study and teaching of the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700) through the development and distribution of online resources.


The Public Knowledge Project is directed toward improving the scholarly and public quality of academic research through innovative online publishing and knowledge-sharing environments. PKP has developed Open Journal Systems, Open Conference Systems, Open Monograph Press, and Open Archives Harvester.

UVic Libraries (

The University of Victoria Libraries include 2.1 million volumes, 1.4 million items in microforms, over 150,000 journals, and many cartographic, sound, and film items. The library’s foundational role in acquiring and preserving research resources is critical in the complex digital environment of 21st century scholarship. Its expert staff are increasingly working within disciplines, across disciplines, and beyond traditional boundaries.

Other Associated Partner Groups and Organizations

Through the Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) Partnership:

  • Advanced Research Consortium (ARC;
  • Canadian Association of Research Libraries / Association des bibliothèques de recherche du Canada (CARL/ABRC;
  • Canadian Institute for Studies in Publishing (CISP;  
  • Canadian Research Knowledge Network / Réseau canadien de documentation pour la recherche (CRKN/RCDR;
  • Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory / Le Collaboratoire scientifique des écrits du Canada (CWRC/CSEC;
  • Digital Humanities Research Group, U Western Sydney (DHRG;
  • Digital Research Alliance of Canada / Alliance de recherche numérique du Canada (formerly Compute Canada;
  • Edith Cowan U (
  • Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (
  • J.E. Halliwell Associates
  • Lesbian and Gay Liberation in Canada (LGLC;
  • Simon Fraser University Library (
  • Voyant Tools (

Past Partners and Collaborators