Research, Training, Service

Through a series of highly collaborative relationships, the ETCL community comprises well over 600 international researchers. Our dedicated research initiatives, such as the Implementing New Knowledge Environments Partnership, explore research and development possibilities for open social scholarship in Canada and around the world. Our teaching and training initiatives, including the Digital Humanities Summer Institute, bring together faculty, staff, and students from the Arts, Humanities, Library, and Archives communities as well as independent scholars and participants from industry and government sectors. DHSI has welcomed more than 6,600 people from over 200 institutions around the world to its warm, collegial learning environment. Our Canadian Social Knowledge Institute (C-SKI) is our primary service mechanism, allowing us to support fellow researchers and students at the University of Victoria. The ETCL’s speaker series and training activities have also brought several hundred faculty and graduate student speakers to our campus, and our local and international conference organization and outreach activities have brought the best of our work at UVic to the world. ETCL members are active in local, national, and international service and consultation.

To learn more check out our Events and Activities!