All are invited to the second UVic Libraries discussion group session on digital scholarship and libraries, sponsored by the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab (ETCL). Like our first event, our gatherings are open to everyone, and our second discussion group will take place next Thursday, December 5, from 7-9 pm, in the Collard Room at Swann’s Pub in downtown Victoria.

With a planned trivia night that will challenge both the digital humanities scholar and librarian alike, the meeting is meant to be both fun and informal, to stimulate connections and conversations and confront conventional thinking about the interstices between digital frontiers and libraries. Food will be available, as well as a cash bar, through Swann’s Pub. All are welcome!

Thursday December 5
7 -9 pm
Collard Room, Swann’s Pub
506 Pandora Avenue

We hope to see you there. Please feel free to invite other colleagues who may be interested in attending.

Christine Walde and Corey Davis
William C. Mearns Centre for Learning – McPherson Library
PO Box 1800 STN CSC, Victoria, BC V8W 3H5 Canada