FrankenWeek at UVic

FrankenWeek at UVic

FrankenWeek at the University of Victoria is a series of interdisciplinary events celebrating the history, text, themes, and performance of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. All of the FrankenWeek events are open to the University of Victoria’s students, faculty, and...

2018 Open Scholarship Awards

Sponsored by the Canadian Social Knowledge Institute and its partners Open Scholarship Award (2018), for open scholarship carried out by scholars, librarians, citizen scholars, research professionals, and administrators. Award: Juan Alperin (Simon Fraser U) Honorable...
Open Knowledge Practicum Celebration and Information Session

Open Knowledge Practicum Celebration and Information Session

Hey all, We are rapidly nearing the end of the Spring term, which also marks the end of the current iteration of the Open Knowledge Practicum hosted in the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab. The Open Knowledge Practicum is an ongoing 4-month program that invites members...