This post is part of the Meet the ETCL Team series, which introduces the wonderful people who work in the lab and who have worked with us in the past.

Tim has worked in the lab since 2015, long enough to remember when a flood nearly hit the lab when it was still located in the basement of the Clearihue building, as well as a leak in the ceiling in the summer of 2018 that nearly soaked his workstation. Although these floods stand out as memorable, Tim prefers the lab’s usual relaxed atmosphere.

A screen shot of The Lyrics of Henry VIII Wikibook

Tim started here with a summer internship, and since 2017 has been the lab’s Wikibooks expert. He has worked on the Open Social Scholarship Annotated Bibliography and is currently working on a Wikibooks edition of The Lyrics of Henry VIII, which involves migrating information from other sites into Wikibooks to make it more accessible. A typical day for Tim involves a lot of data entry and a lot of formatting work, especially when he is transcribing early modern typography. In the process of developing the Wikibooks projects, Tim has also learned a lot about copyright.

Tim graduated from UVic in 2017 with a degree in English. He then took a math course in 2018, which he enjoyed so much he now plans to pursue a degree in computer science. When he’s not in the lab, he’s usually playing video games—especially puzzle, first-person shooter, or strategy games—or doing nature photography.