ARDC Digital Research Skills Summit 2024

ARDC Digital Research Skills Summit 2024

From May 21-23, Graham Jensen was in Melbourne to participate in the Australian Research Data Commons’ Digital Research Skills Summit. The event was held at the University of Melbourne and included participants from a wide range of digital research and training...
Estonia and Poland 2024

Estonia and Poland 2024

Earlier this May, two members of the ETCL team—Director Ray Siemens and Assistant Director / Mitacs Postdoctoral Fellow Graham Jensen—traveled to Estonia and Poland to share their work in open scholarship and learn from others active in this area. Starting in Tallinn,...
Winter Institute in Digital Humanities 2024 – NYU Abu Dhabi

Winter Institute in Digital Humanities 2024 – NYU Abu Dhabi

Members of the ETCL team recently had the opportunity to participate in the NYU Abu Dhabi Winter Institute, which was organized by David Joseph Wrisley and Beth Russell. At the event, Graham Jensen, Randa El Khatib, and Ray Siemens gave a talk and poster...

Event: Putting Open Social Scholarship Into Practice

An Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) Partnership & Canadian-Australian Partnership for Open Scholarship (CAPOS) Online Event December 8-9 2021 North America time / December 9-10 2021 Australasia time #OSSpractice Registration:...