Open Knowledge Residency (one-week intensive program between May-July 2019)

Open Knowledge Practicum (Summer 2019)

Open Knowledge Practicum (Summer 2019) Electronic Textual Cultures Lab (ETCL;; @ETCLatUVic) In partnership with the University of Victoria Libraries and the Faculty of Humanities, UVic’s Electronic Textual Cultures Lab is offering a number of Open...
Job posting: Coordinator (Operations), Electronic Textual Cultures Lab

Digital Scholarship Fellowships

The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab (ETCL) at the University of Victoria is offering Digital Scholarship Fellowships during the academic year. Digital Scholarship Fellowships support graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, new and visiting scholars at UVic, as well...
Job posting: Coordinator (Operations), Electronic Textual Cultures Lab

Job Posting: Graduate Student Research Assistant

An interdisciplinary research project on campus seeks a part-time (typically 10-15 hours per week) U Victoria graduate research assistant with technology-oriented interests and qualifications in humanities research and writing as well as digital humanities activities...