The Open Knowledge Practicum Toolkit

The Open Knowledge Practicum (OKP) is part of the Open Knowledge Program, a suite of initiatives based at the ETCL (Electronic Textual Cultures Lab) at the University of Victoria. The ETCL is a multi-disciplinary humanities lab led by Dr. Ray Siemens, with a mandate that includes research, teaching, and service activities.

The OKP brings researchers from UVic and the greater Victoria community into the ETCL to put knowledge and theory into practice by developing their own research projects with an open knowledge component. To date, more than 30 fellows have contributed open knowledge projects through the program.

Open knowledge is knowledge that is freely and openly accessible to everyone. Supporting researchers from the UVic community and beyond in sharing their knowledge openly supports the lab’s mission, which includes “cultivating the practices and values of open scholarship.”

This OKP Toolkit is a self-paced learning resource that provides an overview of Open Access and Open Social Scholarship, information about finding and using open tools and open data, and tips for developing open knowledge projects. It is designed for anyone interested in learning more about open scholarship and creating open knowledge projects.

The OKP Toolkit is structured as a series of four modules. Each module focuses on a different topic related to the Open Knowledge Practicum and includes a brief introduction, a video, and an activity, as well as a list of further readings and resources if you’d like to learn more.

To complete a module, simply read the introduction, watch the video, and complete the activity!



The OKP Toolkit was created in 2019 as a collaboration by members of the ETCL: Alyssa Arbuckle, Randa El Khatib, Luis Meneses, and Caroline Winter, with direction from Ray Siemens.


Thank you for using the OKP Toolkit. We welcome your feedback! Please contact us at