FrankenWeek at UVic

FrankenWeek at UVic

FrankenWeek at the University of Victoria is a series of interdisciplinary events celebrating the history, text, themes, and performance of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. All of the FrankenWeek events are open to the University of Victoria’s students, faculty, and...
Job Posting: Graduate Student Research Assistant

Job Posting: Graduate Student Research Assistant

An interdisciplinary research project on campus seeks a part-time (typically 10-15 hours per week) U Victoria graduate research assistant with technology-oriented interests and qualifications in humanities research and writing as well as digital humanities activities...
Open Knowledge Practicum (Spring 2019)

Open Knowledge Practicums

Launched in January 2017, the Open Knowledge Practicum puts networked open social scholarship into action by inviting members of the community, as well as university faculty, staff, and students, to pursue their own research projects in the ETCL. The lab supports...